Desert Island 10 Contest
- Jan 16, 2015
Imagine you are stranded on a desert island and can save only ten books to take with you. Share with us what they would be and why and you could win our latest contest!
To enter, list the books, and then in no more than 50 words each, explain why you chose to include that one. The judges will choose winners based on the quality of the rationale and the level of emotional connection.
Things you need to know:
- This contest is open to members of American Mensa under the age of 18.
- We have three divisions: 7 & under; 8–12; 13–17, and we will choose a winner from each category.
Mensa will donate two of the selections from each winner’s list to Books for Bedtime, a charity created by a Young Mensan that gives books to kids without them. Winners will also receive a certificate. All entrants will receive a certificate of participation.
Email your entries to with “Desert 10 Contest” as the subject. The entry may not be an attachment — send your answers in the body of the email.
One entry per member. Entries must be received in our office by April 10th, 2015. All entries must identify the Young Mensan’s full name and Mensa membership number. Entries may be published in Young Mensan Magazine.
Contest Winners
Marco F., age 7, Broward Mensa (Winner, 7 & Under Division)
Anya A., age 10, Metropolitan Washington Mensa (Winner, 8–12 Division)
Lauren A., age 14, Lone Star Mensa (Winner, 13–17 Division)