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Join Mensa Using My Past Test Scores

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We're offering free Prior Evidence Review for the month of March!

Rather than taking the Mensa Admission Test, nearly two-thirds of Mensa members join by submitting evidence of scores from prior intelligence testing. We accept scores from approximately 150 different standardized intelligence tests, and often potential members have taken a test we accept without realizing they already qualify for membership.

Many people find this a quick and easy way to join, as they often qualify with tests they’ve already taken at some point in their lives. Take a look at this short list of qualifying scores, and you may remember a test you took in grade school, college, or the military.

Please note: you must create a user profile to submit scores. Fill out the following form with the information as it pertains to the candidate applying for membership.

Join Using My Past Scores

Promotional discounts will appear in your shopping cart during the checkout process.

Need a little assistance? We’re happy to help you locate your old test scores.

Qualifying Test Scores

While the following is not a complete list of accepted tests/scores, applicants often ask about the following tests.

Tests commonly administered by school districts

Test Name Qualifying Score
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Composite SAS of 132
Differential Ability Scales (DAS) GCA 132
Differential Ability Scales - Second Edition (DAS-II) GCA 130
Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT) Nonverbal Ability Index Score of 130 or above
Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test 2 & 3 (NNAT2/NNAT3) Nonverbal Ability Index Score of 132 or above
Otis Lennon School Abilities Test (OLSAT) Total SAI 132
Otis-Gamma Test IQ 131
Stanford Binet IQ 132
Stanford Binet 5 IQ 130
Woodcock-Johnson Test of Cognitive Abilities
(not the Woodcock Johnson Achievement Test)
IQ 132 (editions I, II and III); IQ 131 (edition IV)

College Preparatory Tests

Test Name Details Qualifying Score
ACT Composite taken prior to 9/1989
taken after 9/1989
29 (composite scores only)
Not accepted
GRE taken prior to 5/1994
taken from 5/1994 to 9/30/2001
taken after 9/30/2001
1250 (quantitative + verbal)
1875 (quantitative + verbal + analytic)
Not accepted
Henmon-Nelson   132
LSAT** taken prior to 1982
taken after 1982
95 (total percentile rank)
PSAT (taken in junior year) taken prior to 5/1993
taken after 5/1993
Not accepted
PSAT (taken in senior year) taken prior to 5/1993
taken after 5/1993
Not accepted
CEEB taken prior to 9/30/1977
taken after 10/1/1977
Not accepted
SAT taken prior to 9/30/1974
taken from 9/30/1974 to 1/31/1994
taken after 1/31/1994
Not accepted

Tests Administered by Private Psychologists

Test Name Qualifying Score
California Test of Mental Maturity (CTMM) IQ 132
Cattell IQ 148
Differential Ability Scales (DAS) GCA 132
Reynolds Adaptable Intelligence Test (RAIT)
American Mensa accepts a score at or above the 98th percentile on any of the five index scores.
IQ 131
Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales IQ 130
Stanford Binet IQ 132
Stanford Binet 5 IQ 130
Wechsler Adult and Children Scales
Note: The Wechsler tests must be given in their entirety.
- Mensa requires a Full Scale IQ score (FSIQ), so all sub-tests needed to obtain an FSIQ must be given. Supplemental sub-tests are not required unless they are substituted for a required sub-test with valid explanation for why it was substituted.
- For the WISC-IV, WISC-V, and WAIS-IV only: American Mensa will accept the general abilities index (GAI) in cases where there is a significant difference (i.e. 1½ or more standard deviations) between two index scores. For all other Wechsler tests, the GAI will not be accepted.
FSIQ 130
Wechsler Non-Verbal Scale of Ability (WNV)
-American Mensa will accept the WNV test only for individuals who are hearing impaired.
-The clinical report must indicate this condition to be considered.
FSIQ 130

Tests Administered by the Military

Test Name Details Qualifying Score
AFQT taken prior to 10/1980
taken after 10/1980
Not accepted
Army GCT taken prior to 10/1980
taken after 10/1980
Not accepted
ASVAB   Not accepted
GT taken prior to 10/1980
taken after 10/1980
Not accepted
Navy GCT taken prior to 10/1980
taken after 10/1980
Not accepted

All evidence of prior testing will be appraised individually, and we reserve the right to alter or change these scores as the tests shown are renormed or restandardized. We will appraise all applications individually and reserve the right to make the final determination about the acceptability of any test.

Please note that all documentation must be the original or a notarized copy of the original. Review of your qualifying scores may be delayed if your documentation does not meet this requirement. In order for scores to be accepted for Mensa membership, tests must be administered by a neutral and qualified third party in a traditional testing environment under conditions appropriate for the norming standards of each test (such as the classroom of a certified school teacher or a private psychologist). Evidence from a school transcript must be a school document with a seal, and an armed forces record must be a notarized copy.

Results from tests given by an institution, agency or clinic must include the full name of the test, the score and the percentile rank. This documentation must be on the letterhead of the institution, agency or clinic; it also must be signed by the psychologist responsible for the testing and must include the psychologist’s license number as issued by the state in which the psychologist practices.

We do not accept unsupervised testing as proof of eligibility, specifically unsupervised testing administered electronically, or via internet-based tests.

These tests no longer correlate with an IQ test. Note that the acceptance date applies to the date you took the test, not the date you join Mensa. You can still join Mensa by using older scores.
Many intelligence test scores will qualify you for Mensa, but Mensa’s supervisory psychologists will have to individually appraise the documentation. Almost any test with “achievement” in the title is not acceptable for Mensa admission. American Mensa does not accept unsupervised testing as proof of eligibility, specifically unsupervised testing administered electronically or via Internet-based tests
Submitted documentation must be an original copy mailed from the testing agency, the Law School Admission Council. Printouts from websites or PDFs will not be accepted.
The new military tests are vocational aptitude tests and are not suitable for Mensa admission.

Frequently Asked Questions

If the test was administered by a school or school psychologist, the acceptable format is:

  • An original or notarized copy of the report from the school psychologist, on school district letterhead, signed by the psychologist; OR
  • An official school transcript (with the school seal or sealed in a school district envelope); OR
  • A letter from the school guidance office, on school letterhead, signed by an administrator.

If the test was given by a licensed clinical psychologist, the acceptable format is:

  • Documentation on psychologist, clinic, or agency letterhead;
  • The candidate’s name;
  • The date of test;
  • The name of test;
  • The full scale IQ and percentile;
  • The original signature of the psychologist giving the test; AND
  • The inclusion of the psychologist’s license number.

If the testing was completed by a school psychologist or registered psychotherapist in private practice, please read the following:

  • The requirements for reports submitted by licensed clinical psychologist apply to these reports.
  • The examiner needs a minimum of a master’s degree in psychology or related field.
  • The examiner needs to be registered in a state that is a member of the Nurse Licensure Compact.
  • American Mensa will review the examiner’s background and experience when determining if the testing is eligible for acceptance.
  • Testing completed by a school psychologist or registered psychotherapist within a school system are subject to the requirements listed above for submissions by a school.
  • Please refer questions about the acceptance of these reports to our Admission Department.

If the test was given by the armed forces, the acceptable format is a notarized copy of the record or the record sent from the National Personnel Records Center.

You may be able to get original copies of your test scores by contacting one of the following agencies:

  • GRE: Educational Testing Service, PO Box 592, Princeton NJ 08540; 609-921-9000;
  • ACT: American College Testing, PO Box 168, Iowa City IA 55240;
  • LSAT: LSAC, Box 2000-T, Newtown PA 18940;
  • AGCT, GT, NGCT, GCT: National Personnel Records Center, attn: Military Personnel Records, 9700 Page Blvd., St. Louis MO 63132;
  • Miller Analogy (MAT): Psychological Corporation, 555 Academic Cir., San Antonio TX 78204; 800-622-3231;

Scores are acceptable forever, so long as they meet our admission requirements.

Evaluation of prior test scores should take two to four weeks. If it has been longer since you sent in your evidence of prior testing, please contact our Admissions Department.

This is because the sample — those taking the LSAT — is not a normally distributed sample. (They have probably completed three to four years of college.) The scores are adjusted to reflect this.

We do not accept blended scores or those from more than one test administration.

To submit your past testing evidence, you have three options:

  1. Submit the original documentation yourself. If you would like the originals returned, please see below.
  2. Send us a notarized copy of the original documentation.
  3. Have the school or testing service send your scores directly to us. To protect your privacy, some testing services will only send test scores directly to you. In this case, have them send it to you and then mail it, unopened, to us.

We’re happy to return your documentation, if you like. Just send your originals with a SASE so that we may return it to you. Testing documentation is shredded otherwise.

Send your testing documentation by mail to:

American Mensa
Attn: Testing and Admissions Manager
1315 Brookside Dr.
Hurst, TX 76053

The name on the documentation must match the name on the application. If it is different for some reason, documentation must be included — for example, a notarized copy of a social security card, marriage license or court records to show a new married name. We will use any information in the documentation to attempt to locate an application. If no application is found, the documentation will be filed away by the last name on the documentation until we are informed an application has been submitted.