American Mensa Header

San Antonio, TX

Testing group: South Texas Mensa (780)
Saturday, October 22, 2011 02:30 pm - 05:00 pm

Central Market
4821 Broadway
San Antonio, TX 78209

Contact: Roy Huff
(210) 637-6161

Additional Information:
This test session will consist of our three-part non-language test series, in which only one of the three tests is timed. You can take as much as an hour on each of the other two tests. Reservations are needed, as are confirmations of those reservations, with the confirmation to be made on Thursday or Friday, the 20th or 21st. Reservations and confirmations should be made to me at, or at 210-637-6161. There is a testing charge of $40, and a photo ID is needed. We wish you good luck, and do want you in Mensa.