Lapsed Member Contact Program
- Apr 22, 2024
It’s time to put a bounty on lapsed members! The annual Lapsed Member Contact Program runs May 1 – July 31 and highlights what you do best — provide a personal touch to the letter, email, postcard, social media, or phone call.
We'll reimburse your Local Group 50 cents for each current-year lapsed member contacted through the end of July — whether or not they renew. And to appeal to your competitive side, the group in each class with the highest renewal percentage will be awarded a free team entry for CultureQuest®. So fire up the party line — or our easy-to-use Email My Members tool — and grow your Local Group while earning some greenbacks in the process.
Remember, the “contact” can be a letter, email, postcard, or phone call. To receive reimbursement for this outreach, email our Local Group Services Coordinator by Aug. 1 (5 p.m., Central time) with the number of lapsed members contacted and how they were contacted. That’s it; no fine print or hidden clauses.
A list of lapsed members can be found in your officer reports, and using the Email My Members tool to reach out is a snap.
In your communication with your lapsed members, direct them to to renew their memberships. Add a link in your email or provide the URL in a note. Make sure to include the National Office phone number, (817) 607-0060, and remind them to call if they experience difficulties or would prefer to renew via phone.
Thank you for all you do to encourage and promote membership in American Mensa! If you have any questions, or would like to share your particularly successful reach-out campaign, contact Local Group Services Coordinator Hannah Greer.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you verify contact?
Well, we trust you. We’re on the honor system here. You need to document how you contacted members (email, phone, letter). An attached sample would be nice.
Is this for any lapsed member?
This program is for current-year lapses only (those whose membership expired April 30, 2024. Don’t forget: Local Groups receive $1/member for renewing members who have lapsed longer than the current year.
What do I say to these members?
Use the checklist below and share it with everyone who is contacting lapsed members. There are sample letters/emails available in the Membership Officer Mensa Connect community Library.
When will our group receive reimbursement for contact?
We need an email with number of members contacted and form of contact by Aug. 1. (Put that in your calendar now!) The extra money will show up in your August funding deposit.
A stamp costs 68 cents, how is this worth it?
Well, an email or a phone call doesn’t cost that much. Save the postage for the really tough cases. Take advantage of the easy-to-use Email My Members tool.
Is it 50 cents each time we contact them?
No, it’s 50 cents per current-year lapsed member contacted. Some members might need to be contacted more than once: an email followed up by a phone call, or a phone call followed by a personal note.
Lapsed Member Contact Checklist
- Is your greeting personal? If possible, use the member’s name instead of “Dear Member.”
- Don’t start with the “ask.” Establish a friendly connection first.
- Is your tone friendly, warm? (Use “you” and “we.” Read your draft out loud to ensure it sounds conversational.
- Are you making a connection? This is personal to your member. Do they belong to a SIG? A regular at dinner nights? Love Game Nights or CultureQuest? Leverage those connections.
- Did you “show them the benefit?” Outline the experiences/advantages of membership. Think about why you’re a member.
- Did you demonstrate membership value?
- Did you create excitement about successful programs your Local Group has run or the plans for next year?
- Did you make it easy for members to renew? Did you provide clear instructions on how to renew?
- Did you demonstrate urgency? Renew today — we need you; upcoming RG.
- Did you include a link to the American Mensa website or its URL? How about the phone number?
The Close
- Did you thank them and acknowledge their value as a member?
- Did you create a buzz about upcoming Local Group activities to encourage renewal and engagement?
- Did you customize your closing? “I look forward to seeing you at our meeting.” “Can’t wait to work with you on .” “We’re going to dominate at trivia night!”