American Mensa Annual Awards
With pride, we celebrate the members and Local Groups that continue to go above and beyond to help American Mensa thrive.
Margot Award Winner: Beth Weiss
The Margot Award is given for the rendering of exceptional service to Mensa over an extended period. Beth becomes the 20th recipient of the Margot Award. The Margot was first bestowed on Margot Seitelman, American Mensa’s first Executive Director, and the award was named for her in 1980.
Beth Weiss Beth hails from just north of Chicago, Sandburg’s City of the Broad Shoulders, a fitting image for this do-it-all Mensan.This year alone, besides chairing the Annual Gathering in Sparks, Nev., she is a Proctor and the LocSec for Chicago Area Mensa and remains, since 2016, the Coordinator of her beloved HELL’s M’s. HELL’s M’s is one of Mensa’s most active Special Interest Groups — if not one of the most visible at events, thanks to their trademark T-shirts and helpful nature. The group casts itself as “the party SIG,” and its credo is “A HELL’s M’s party is any party, large or small, where everyone participating in or affected by the party has good memories after the party is over.” One way the more than 30-year-old group ensures everyone is having a good time is by prolifically volunteering its time at Annual Gatherings to help the event run more smoothly. HELL’s M’s even received a National Certificate of Appreciation this year for its volunteering. Beth embodies that spirit: She’s never been to an event above the Local Group level and not volunteered at it.
American Mensa Distinguished Service Award
The American Mensa Distinguished Service Award is given in cases of outstanding service to American Mensa. Recipients are nominated by members and confirmed by the Awards Committee.
Chair of American Mensa and Mensa International Elissa Rudolph of Palm Beach Area Mensa has continued to enhance American Mensa through her service on many committees and task forces, as well as serving with distinction as Advocate. Since serving as Chair of American Mensa and Mensa International, Elissa Rudolph of Palm Beach Area Mensa has continued to enhance American Mensa through her service on many committees and task forces, as well as serving with distinction as Advocate.
National Service Awards
National Service Awards recognize faithful service to American Mensa and contributing greatly to the growth and betterment of the organization.
Dan Burg of Redwood Empire Mensa continues his service to American Mensa as Chair of two major committees: Bylaws and Hearings. He has been instrumental in streamlining and improving the processes for both.
Laura Heffernan of Mensa of Northeastern New York has been a major reason Mind Games has been such a success. She has worked well with the committees and the National Office. She has served as Chief Judge for several years.
Over and above being RVC and AMC’s Secretary and Parliamentarian, Jason Seiler of Metropolitan Washington Mensa has been an active member of many committees and task forces. He is a person who has made people rethink before making decisions.
Timothy Vogt of Mensa in Georgia has been a major contributor as administrator on many of the American Mensa forums on Mensa Connect and on the forums prior to Mensa Connect. He has done an outstanding job of dealing with member issues on the forums.
Bill Zigo of Mid-Hudson Mensa has worked on Mind Games and the Leadership Development Committee. He has revitalized the Service of Information, Guidance, and Hospitality to Travelers (SIGHT) program in the U.S. and helped implement the Sister City program.
National Certificates of Appreciation
First awarded in 1971, National Certificates of Appreciation are given in gratitude of a noteworthy contribution to the organization by a member. Recipients are nominated by members and confirmed by the Awards Committee.
Dave Cahn of Metropolitan Washington Mensa is National Ombudsman in addition to his continued work as a member of varied committees including Leadership Development, Risk Management, and the Gifted Youth Committee.
Alex Huth of Oregon Mensa has been an appointed officer serving as the Marketing Officer as well being a valuable member of Membership, Licensing, and Name and Logo Committees.
Barbara Kryvko of St. Louis Area Mensa has been an unflagging volunteer for many years, especially in the area of SIG coordination and the development and maintenance of M-Leader. She has helped provide an outlet for members to discuss leadership and governance for American Mensa.
Tara Lange of Denver Mensa has worked largely behind the scenes but has been a major force in the development of American Mensa’s social media presence. She has helped provide the opportunity for members to take part in the leadership and governance of American Mensa.
Thomas G. Thomas of Tampa Bay Mensa has contributed in his service as RBC, and as a member of many committees and Working Groups, especially related to Community Service, Bylaws, and American Mensa History.
Chairman’s Service Awards
Chairman’s Service Awards are presented by Chairman Timmy King in recognition of superior service to the organization..
- Anne Allen of Maine Mensa is honored for never giving up on her quest to have Mind Games in Maine, and for her work as Chair of the outstanding event.
- LaRae Bakerink of San Diego Mensa is recognized for being willing to step up and resume a prior role as National Testing Officer. She was also instrumental in getting both the RAIT and Private Testing up and running.
- Robin Crawford of Chicago Area Mensa is honored for her work as Chair of the Volunteerism Task Force.
- Jim Cundiff of Chicago Area Mensa is recognized for his contribution in creating a welcoming community for LGBT+ members within our Mensa community.
- Tommy Galanis of Connecticut & Western Massachusetts Mensa worked with staff to make Culture Quest available both for in-person participation as well as a virtual competition.
- Tracey Guice of Mensa of Western Washington is honored for their decades of service at every level of American Mensa.
- Linda Seebach of Mensa of Western Washington is recognized for her service to the Communications Committee and many hours of tedious work organizing, curating, and allocating the sharing library for Editors.
Gifted Youth Program Award
The Gifted Youth Program Award is given for superior service as a Gifted Youth Coordinator and for contributing to the growth of programs that serve gifted youth and/or Young Mensans.
Congratulations to Sara Sicotte of Oregon Mensa and Joi Lin of Denver Mensa.
Owl Awards
The Innovative Owl is presented to the Local Group with the highest year-over-year membership retention percentage. The Prolific Owl is presented to the Local Group with the highest percentage of year over-year membership growth.
The Innovative Owl awards go to Chattanooga Mensa, with 94.3 percent retention.
The Prolific Owl goes to Maine Mensa with 12 percent growth.
Jewel Awards
The Jewel Awards recognize participation in Mensa activities and accomplishments, including Mind Games®, CultureQuest®, Mensa Testing Day, and Leadership Development Workshops.
The Jewel Awards recognize participation in Mensa activities and accomplishments, including Mind Games®, CultureQuest®, Mensa Testing Day, and Leadership Development Workshops. Achievement levels are, from highest to lowest: the Diamond, the Ruby, the Sapphire, and the Emerald.
Class I (1100+ members)
- Diamond: Chicago Area Mensa and Metropolitan Washington Mensa
- Emerald: San Francisco Regional Mensa
Class II (400-1099 members)
- Diamond: Northern New Jersey Mensa
- Sapphire: Charlotte – Blue Ridge Mensa, Mid-America Mensa
- Emerald: Central New Jersey Mensa, Cincinnati Area Mensa, Denver Mensa, Mensa 76, Southeast Michigan Mensa
Class III (200-399 members)
- Diamond: Dayton Area Mensa
- Ruby: East Central Ohio Mensa and North Alabama Mensa
- Sapphire: Southern Nevada Mensa
- Emerald: Kentuckiana Mensa, Mensa of Northeastern New York, New Hampshire Mensa, Piedmont Area Mensa, Tidewater Mensa, Western New York Mensa
Class IV (125-199 members)
- Diamond: French Broad Mensa
- Ruby: French Broad Mensa, North Alabama Mensa
- Sapphire: Blue Grass Mensa, Plains and Peaks Mensa
- Emerald: Central Alabama Mensa, Maine Mensa, New Orleans Mensa
Class V (fewer than 125 members)
- Diamond: South Coast Mensa
- Ruby: High Mountain Mensa, Northeast Indiana Mensa, Tallahassee Area Mensa, Wyoming Mountain Mensa
- Sapphire: Mid-Michigan Mensa
- Emerald: Mensa Alaska, Sunflower Mensa