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Jill Beckham
Mensa Foundation Director

John McGill<br /><small>Director of Brand Partnerships</small>

John McGill

Director of Brand Partnerships
John directs American Mensa’s brand partnership and licensing opportunities to enhance Mensa's awareness to the general public, often providing additional benefits to members.
 (817) 607-0060 ext. 5541

Gina Pridemore<br /><small>Brand Partnerships Manager</small>

Gina Pridemore

Brand Partnerships Manager
Gina assists with licensing and partnerships, oversees Mensa Store, Mind Games®, and Display ads in the Mensa Bulletin.
 (817) 607-0060 ext. 5547

David Peery<br /><small>Director of Finance</small>

David Peery

Director of Finance
David leads the operations of the finance department, human resources, and organizational assets.
 (817) 607-0060 ext. 5531

Ashlee Davis<br /><small>Accounting Manager</small>

Ashlee Davis

Accounting Manager
Ashlee provides accounting support.
 (817) 607-0060 ext. 5532

Fuentes, Veronica<br /><small>Senior Processor of Finance, Membership & Events</small>

Veronica Fuentes

Senior Processor of Finance, Membership & Events
Veronica processes all payments, cancellations, and refunds.
 (817) 607-0060 ext. 5517

Dr. Greta Zeimetz, CAE<br /><small>Interim Executive Director</small>

Dr. Greta Zeimetz, CAE

Interim Executive Director
Greta provides overall direction and support for American Mensa and the Mensa Foundation.

Paige Faulkner<br /><small>Meetings and Event Planner</small>

Paige Faulkner

Meetings and Event Planner
Paige coordinates the Annual Gathering event with the AG Committee.
 (817) 607-0060 ext. 5508

Shirley Meine

Shirley Meine

Executive Assistant
Shirley assists both the Executive Director and Mensa Foundation Director with matters relating to the the AMC, the Foundation Board of Trustees, and national committees.
 (817) 607-5505